Epiphany Week Two

LIBERATION LECTIONARY - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

The True King

“If somebody doesn’t have sense enough to turn on the dim and beautiful and powerful lights of love in this world, the whole of our civilization will be plunged into the abyss of destruction.” -Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Meditation: A New Year Prayer from Rev Dr. Howard Thurman. Because we all need new mercies in this new year!

Grant that I may pass through the coming year with a faithful heart. There will be much to test me and make weak my strength before the year ends. In my confusion I shall often say the word that is not true and do the thing of which I am ashamed. There will be errors in the mind and great inaccuracies of judgment

In seeking the light, I shall again and again find myself walking in the darkness. I shall mistake my light for Your light  and I shall drink from the responsibility of the choice I make.

Nevertheless, grant that I may pass through the coming year with a faithful heart. May I never give the approval of my heart to error, to falseness, to vanity, to sin. Though my days be marked with failures, stumblings, fallings, let my spirit be free so that You may take it and redeem my moments in all the ways my needs reveal.

Give me the quiet assurance of Your Love and Presence.

Grant that I may pass through the coming year with a faithful heart. Amen & Aśé

Scripture Lesson: The Magi and Two Kings, Matthew 2

Read Matthew’s second chapter throughout this week. This is a story of two Kings, Herod and Jesus. What are the core motives of these kings? How does God reveal whose star we should follow?

There is so much legend and there are so many stories about the Magi who are introduced in this story. The Bible describes the magi as bringing Gold and Frankincense and Myrrh. Many people have assumed for centuries that there were three magi because the Bible names three gifts. Historians who study ancient eastern cultures believe differently. They say that the Magi were a caravan of highly educated people, what scribes in the past would label “wisemen”. This group was made up of astronomers and archaeologists of all genders, from African and South Asian nations. Some believe there is a strong possibility of East Asian Magi, because of the length of time and the distance they discuss they have traveled. 

Perhaps the caravan began with a group of people from one area of the ancient east, and along the way, other caravans of wise ones. The star of Jesus shone over all the earth. So it was clear to everyone who saw it that they could follow the star to the earth’s Savior. Surely different Magi brought different ideas and interpretations of the sky’s path. There weren’t three wise men or three kings. There were many many people of various expertise. They likely had more than three gifts! 

They worked together to chart a course to the place where they knew they would find Mary and Joseph and Jesus. They followed the star and they did not hesitate to believe that a king could be found among oppressed people. They did not hesitate to defy a king so corrupt that he was jealous of babies, and used his power to have them killed.

So often today, people in power corrupt their senses of authority and use their power to destroy the lives of oppressed people they have only jealousy and contempt for. Ain’t that just proof perfect of Black power, that we intimidate and agitate even the people who are in power over the places we live - just by being alive ourselves. We have had to become our own Magi, learning the long lessons of how to chart a course, where in the sky to seek out our star, and when to change the direction we are going so as to save the people we know God has sent for a special purpose, 

Sometimes when we are looking for signs of salvation, for where we can bring our gifts, we can follow the path of wisdom planned out by people who are excellent thinkers. A wise man named Martin Luther King, Jr was born on January 15th, 1929. Many people around the world celebrate his birthday, which is a federal holiday in the United States. Reverend Dr. King was a minister, a scholar, a revolutionary and an activist. He was part of a mass movement of Black people who demanded freedom and respect, and protections for their personhood under the law of the United States. Dr. King shared a vision of Black people being treated with dignity and decency. His vision was shared and discussed, planned and mapped out, and expanded upon, just like the Magi. His wife Coretta Scott King was a wise one, along with Ella Baker, Ralph Abernathy, John Lewis, Mahalia Jackson, Andrew Young, Nina Simone, Sidney Poitiere, Harry Belafonte, Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis, Malcolm and Betty, Medgar and Myrlie. They all followed a star to freedom. They knew which King to believe, and which so-called kings to defy.

Key Verses: Matthew 2:17-20
Then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet Jeremiah:
“A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they were no more.”
But when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child’s life are dead.”

Prayer Habits

Pray this week that the Lord will continue to reveal the path for everyone seeking wisdom. Pray that God will show us all the places where we are to bring our gifts - which God first gave to us. Pray for everyone who is suffering loss at the hands of unjust people of power.

Music: Light of the World

Hezekiah Walker - “Jesus is the Light” get a good bounce on with this throwback danceable choir anthem!

Meditation: from Rev Dr. Howard Thurman

Grant that I may pass through the coming year with a faithful heart. There will be much to test me and make weak my strength before the year ends. In my confusion I shall often say the word that is not true and do the thing of which I am ashamed.

There will be errors in the mind and great inaccuracies of judgment In seeking the light, I shall again and again find myself walking in the darkness. I shall mistake my light for Your light  and I shall drink from the responsibility of the choice I make. Nevertheless, grant that I may pass through the coming year with a faithful heart.

May I never give the approval of my heart to error, to falseness, to vanity, to sin. Though my days be marked with failures, stumblings, fallings, let my spirit be free so that You may take it and redeem my moments in all the ways my needs reveal.

Give me the quiet assurance of Your Love and Presence.

Grant that I may pass through the coming year with a faithful heart.


Artwork: Hussein Salim
Deeper Dive: Articles on the Magi

Story of a Black King Among the Magi

What History Tells us about the Magi

Michelle Higgins